MolIso a program for colour-mapped iso-surfaces

Moliso is a program to generate color mapped transparent 3D iso-surfaces from experimental XD grid and gaussian cube files.
- Correct transparency mode
- Isosurfaces with adjustable colour gradient.
- Atomic displacement ellipsoids (ADP's) with xd.res-/xd.mas- or *cif-files.
- Line, point and filling mode.
- Easy to control via menu, mouse, keyboard and ini-file
- Easy to create screenshots(*.ppm)
- Easy to create rotating videos (*.avi) in various codecs (vfw)(Windows Version only).
- Experimental resolution independet *.PDF file export.
- XD grid files and gaussian cube files can be used.
- Constrainable colour gradient.
- Sphere maping for pseudo reflection.
- Windows and LINUX-versions are avaiable.
Hübschle C.B. and Luger P. ,J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39, 901-904