MolIso a program for colour-mapped iso-surfaces
Download MolIso
MolIso is a bit outdated now please try MoleCoolQt instead which is more modern and provides most of the MolIso's features.
This is the current version with many new features like cif file support, surface storing and loading, configurable atoms and bonds, regularizing function for smoother surfaces, unlimit number of atoms, labels are moved away from the atoms. Unit convesion factor and unit label can now be specified by the user. The surface values are analyzed according to Politzer et al. (Int J. Quant. Chem. (2001). 85 676-684.) To the example the file 'sph5.ppm' is added to generate a smoother look of the surface after pressing the F6 or F7 key.Cut-Planes are available now. Kovalenz radii can be given in last collumn of Atomcolors.dat.
Example moliso.ini file for Gaussian Cube Files
New: Ubuntu Package for karmic:
moliso_2.0.5-1_i386.debTipp: open with 'gdebi'.
NEW: SuSE RPM's (Last update: Tue Dec 01 2009)
openSUSE 11.1 x86_64openSUSE 11.1 i586
Source rpm
Tipp: Requred ffmpeg can be found at packman linux repository.
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (Tue Dec 01 2009)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (Tue Dec 01 2009)

Manual for Moliso
older outdated versions below:
Attention versions below contain buggy ADP's.
So please try latest version above
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example
(older version) (rev.1.30) (2008-05-17) [DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.30)(2008-05-17)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.28) (2007-08-16)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.28)(2007-08-16)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.27) (2007-07-02)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.27) (2007-07-02)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.26) (2007-03-21)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.26) (2007-03-21)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.24) (2007-02-02)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.24)(2007-02-02)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.23) (2006-11-22)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.23)(2006-11-22)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.17) (??)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.17) (??)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.19) (2006-10-23)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.19) (2006-10-23)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version with small example (older version) (rev.1.16) (2006-06-10)
[DOWNLOAD] Moliso Windows Version without example (older version) (rev 1.16) (2006-06-10)
This Version (rev 1.8alpha) is a older less stable Testversion with reduced memory consumption (50-90% depending on the surface shape!).
Moliso Windows Version with example (testversion)[3.9MB] (rev.1.8a)(2/7/2006)
Moliso Windows Version without example (testversion)[398K] (rev 1.8a)(3/10/2006)
The Version rev.1.4 was presented at the ECDM Brandenburg/Bollmansruh 2006
Moliso Windows Version with example [3.86 MB] (rev.1.4)
Moliso Windows Version without example [418 kB] (rev 1.4)